Onze missie het realiseren van duurzaam thuisvesting
Want een huis is nog geen thuis. Wij realiseren plekken waar mensen zich thuis kunnen voelen. Dit doen wij door ons te richten op duurzame veranderingen in de gebouwde omgeving: ecologisch, sociaal en economisch

Vera Kreuwel

Alexander van Leersum

Back-bone Concreet Consult
Our mission is to improve access to enhanced habitat conditions and homing*.
• We do this by combining experience from both the private and the not-for-profit sector.
• With this we BuildtoImpact.
*Homing means to us: Places where people feel at home.
This is effected by the physical structures themselves, the (infrastructural) surroundings and immaterial aspects. It typically provides comfort, safety and a sense of community. It comes with a personal interpretation, based on context, culture and history

Geschiedenis van Bti
- Jaren 80: bundelen van krachten van bewoners van ontwikkelproject in Den Haag. Groep vertegenwoordigd door de “Groep van 5”.
- 1988: oprichting Group 5 Consulting Engineers B.V.
Om participatieve bouwvraagstukken uit te kunnen voeren. - 1990 - 2000: realiseren van gezondheidszorg en onderwijsgebouwen in o.a. Afrika
- NL
- Buitenland + ontwikkelsector
- 2000 / 2018: Buitenland en shelter & settlement sector.
- Expertise & sectors:
- Post disaster emergency shelter & reconstruction of housing.
- Community infrastructure: public spaces, roads, schools.
- Educational specialist for school program’s and curriculum development
- How: participation, with focus on local ownership. Focus on training and local capacity building
- Expertise & sectors:
- 2018: transfer of company ownership.
- Current company focus:
- Continuity of norms & values of fundamental approach in service delivery, with focus on local resilience, capacity building with long-term sustainability in mind.
- Trade mark Build to Impact.
- A fresh focus on creating impact, across borders. Benefitting from the ‘best of both’ worlds: combining and sharing experience and knowledge from western and non-western societies, from developing and developed economies, from private- and not-for-profit sectors.
- Expertise & sectors: Project management & constancy in:
- NL civil infrastructure,
- shelter & settlement sector.
- Sustainable concrete (NL + abroad)
- Participation & capacity building (NL + abroad)
- Educational programmas (NL + abroad)
- How, working principles: finetuning knowledge + context to deliver impact:
- Sustainability: social, ecological and economically.