
  • We advise on planning of housing and public infrastructure, settlement strategies, and development of urban livelihood programmes. We respond to international shelter crises in post disaster and conflict areas.
  • Project and program strategies for planning of housing and public infrastructure, settlement strategies, and development of urban livelihood

  • Post-disaster reconstruction strategies

  • Strategies for innovative durable and sustainable (construction)

    projects, including local entrepeneural engagement



  • Stakeholder analysis & value chain mapping
  • Urban resilience process approach

  • Participatory project design

  • Community managed and/or owner driven approaches



  • We manage large scale projects in the Md construction and civil engineering sector.
  • We work on projects from public, private and non- governmental organisations.
  • Improve control over their projects
  • Obtain better project results
  • Become better (organizational) performers


Training and Workshops



Diensten (dit zijn aantekeningen voor verdere aanvullingen door Alexander en VerA)

  • Wat is onze werkwijze
  • Plaatje kennis, context, implementatie
  • Aanpak: altijd gefundeerd op stakeholder / participatie / zelfredzaamheid
  • = sociale duurzaamheid
  • Stemmen we af met context en benodigde kennis in realisatie
  • In inbreng kennis nemen we ecologische en economische duurzmaheid mee, afhankelijk van de mogelijkheden in het project.